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 [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS -

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Age : 26
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[KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - Empty
PostSubject: [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS -   [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 4:22 am


Yooo. Decided to go with Fairy Tail this time. Enjoy and tell me what u think!! Very Happy

Song: I am King - Lights
Anime: Fairy Tail
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Age : 27
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[KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS -   [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 9:30 am

You have improved quite a lot. The overall structure of the clip is really nice, the action parts and verse parts are nicely separate. I did not like the rsmb in the build up part in the beginning of the video you should have added that to some motion/fight clips imo. Furthermore the black gaps/flashes are not that aesthetic in my opinion so I would suggest that you come up with a different solution to hitting the multiple beats. Also 0:45 i really did not like, you should have done something different there for sure maybe even a twitch or something.
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Posts : 31
Join date : 2016-02-03
Age : 26
Location : Earth

[KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS -   [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - EmptyTue Sep 20, 2016 12:26 pm

Hey thanks 4 the comment Smile

Breaker wrote:
Furthermore the black gaps/flashes are not that aesthetic in my opinion so I would suggest that you come up with a different solution to hitting the multiple beats
-I'll look into it more

Breaker wrote:
Also 0:45 i really did not like, you should have done something different there for sure maybe even a twitch or something.
-I used twitch but AE wasn't rendering Mad . And i don't think there is for SV (or i don't know)

Breaker wrote:
I did not like the rsmb in the build up part in the beginning of the video you should have added that to some motion/fight clips imo.
-I'll try to lay off it the next time.

Breaker wrote:
You have improved quite a lot. The overall structure of the clip is really nice, the action parts and verse parts are nicely separate.
-Thank you Razz . Although i still have problems(/am not confortable) doing slow parts T_T
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[KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS -   [KuroKaze] - LIGHTS - Empty

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