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 [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -

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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - EmptyFri Apr 08, 2016 9:22 pm

[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Shinge10

[KuroKaze] - FIGHT -

Yoooo guys ^^. So, here's my new amv. Hope you like it. Please leave a comments below. Opinions, suggestions and critics are always welcome. Smile

DDL: Mega
Song: Adept - Ivory Tower
Anime: Shingeki no Kyojin
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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 1:30 pm


lol SnK with The Ivory Tower Razz inspired by Irany
Your video is not bad, it could use some colouring and you should also work on your pace, some scenes were a little too fast and others were too long. Also the eye transi at 0:49 wasn't good. You need to match the colours of the two clips so the transition would look more natural. The end was really cool. Good job (Y)
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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 7:18 pm

Light wrote:

lol SnK with The Ivory Tower Razz inspired by Irany

hahaha you got me xD. But i really felt like doing the combo.
Thanks for the comment, some of the points i had already seen. But some are new.

Light wrote:
The end was really cool.

thanks ^^. 1st time doing something like that. Thought it wold be total shit lol geek
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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 7:24 pm

Yo I'm not really gonna talk about the details. I just want to give you a suggestion. Hopefully you won't take it in the wrong way ^^ Try being more creative and try avoid using the same song and anime as other AMVs - Irany's in this case. I don't mean that you can't do it or anything it's just that people get reminded about Irany's video when they see your's y'know. But yeah overall it wasn't bad just some basic aspects need to be refined more. Looking forward to your next project o/ peace!
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Age : 26
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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - EmptyThu Apr 14, 2016 5:07 pm

Breaker wrote:
Yo I'm not really gonna talk about the details. I just want to give you a suggestion. Hopefully you won't take it in the wrong way ^^ Try being more creative and try avoid using the same song and anime as other AMVs - Irany's in this case. I don't mean that you can't do it or anything it's just that people get reminded about Irany's video when they see your's y'know. But yeah overall it wasn't bad just some basic aspects need to be refined more. Looking forward to your next project o/ peace!

Thnks Breaker. Don't worry, i didn't take it the wrong way. I'll make a new combo next time ^^.
I'll try and not make the same editing mistakes as this time geek
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[KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [KuroKaze] - FIGHT -   [KuroKaze] - FIGHT - Empty

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