IC hosted by Eternal Chronicle Team
- Judges: Fadoo, Zuuki, MDL, Sagiki
- The music pack:
mega.co.nz #! XdY2CbwR! EIeQ5jg3PrHCB3DiAat-EHd7kssHjmLegZorAniuFFs
The Password will be given at the beginning of the IC, Friday, November 8 at 00:00. Deadline for IC: Sunday, November 10 0:00
- Technical Rules:
- You will need to make an AMV minimum 1mn30 out intro and outro
- Minimum resolution of 480p
- Only sources japanimations (excluding 3D) are allowed for your clips.
- Video codec:. x264, xvid, dvix
- Audio codec: mp3, AAC, WAV.
- Container: mp4, avi, mkv (depending on the quality of the image). NOT HAVE: - aliasing, pixelated sources, image splitting ... - Sub-titles, logos and other nuisances from the source. - And of course, plagiarism.
- Register and more info:
Register here >>