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 Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC

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2 posters

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Join date : 2013-06-26
Age : 28
Location : Trinidad

Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC Empty
PostSubject: Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC   Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC EmptySun Aug 11, 2013 1:46 am

Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC AUTi_b8SUJA
Thanks Sempai for the Poster !!!

So I bring you Nero Team's Collab Clash 3 Day IC that will be annual from now on :DRules and more information below.

In order to join and actually participate you need a partner(OBVIOUSLY), you will be given 3 Days to edit a project with songs that will be given out about an hour before the deadline starts, the file you download will be a winrar file and it will have a password, the password will be given out when the IC officially starts, it would be recommended that you download the pack before the IC starts so you won't have to take time out of your editing time to download the pack aha.

Sign up here

Judges - BeautyxPain102, kenshinorox and Kyoroichi

Categories :

Rules :
Must be a collab(no more than 2 persons including yourself in a team)
Must only use songs that are in the song packs that will be given
Only anime allowed
Length must be 1:30secs(Excluding outro and/or intro)
No hentai
No stealing of clips
Meet the deadline

Requirements :
Must provide a streaming AND download link
Quality must be 480p or higher
Team Name
Team Poster(Awarded extra points for this)
Follow the rules(Duuuh)

Good luck !
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Posts : 442
Join date : 2013-03-31
Age : 27
Location : Yorozuya

Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC   Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC EmptySun Aug 11, 2013 11:11 am

i'm thinking Very Happy maybe
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Nero Team Collab Clash - 3 Day IC
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