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 IOT IC, Rising Water

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Join date : 2013-10-29
Age : 26
Location : France

IOT IC, Rising Water Empty
PostSubject: IOT IC, Rising Water   IOT IC, Rising Water EmptyMon Jun 29, 2015 8:14 pm

IOT IC, Rising Water 1434566424-iot-ic-1-rising-water


Hello everyone !

This year, we've decided to launch our first IOT IC, Rising Water !
We want to animate the forum and bring a lot of new people, and why not, try again next year !


IOT IC, Rising Water 501-45 IOT IC, Rising Water 14353410  IOT IC, Rising Water 113-63  IOT IC, Rising Water 142-9710

Dates :

The event will take place on July 17th (8.00 p.m - GMT+1) and end on July 20th (0.00 a.m - GMT+1)

Encode and Video :

The AMV must be minimum 1 min 45 long (without intro and outro).
The AMV mustn't exceed 300Mo.
We accept mp4, avi, mkv, wmv.
Every animation footage is allowed.
To ban : bad quality images, subtitles without reasons, logos and plagiarism.


You can register on this topic:
Of course, you will make an AMV with a music found in one of the packs, in the time allotted.
There will be an important choice of songs, so you'll be able to find just the right one ^^
About the songs, there will be several packs, in each of these packs you'll find all style of music. Once you've selected your song, you are free to do whatever you like!
You can do a clip alone or as a group.
The AMV must be sent to one of the four judges by MP.

After the battle, the ranking will be general, gathering all the AMVs realized during the IC. One will cry victory, others will say "okay" and some will cry out scandal. #haters
That's it !
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