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 [Kyoos] - Last Travel -

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2 posters

Posts : 51
Join date : 2014-12-10
Age : 26
Location : France

[Kyoos] - Last Travel - Empty
PostSubject: [Kyoos] - Last Travel -   [Kyoos] - Last Travel - EmptyMon Apr 27, 2015 11:01 pm

[Kyoos] - Last Travel - 1430162462-1430079634-bann-last-travel

Yo Basketball
Je tiens à dire tout d'abord un grand merci au pc de madden Very Happy , non en vrai j'ai toujours voulu faire un mini clip kiff sur op, quand j'ai vu les ziks, j'allais drop sérieusement, mais je suis tomber sur une zik qui passais bien sur ce genre.
Mais entre le vegas qui fais que crash, le pc qui fais ses siennes et le manque d'inspi total, je me suis démerder pour le faire en environ 5h, donc plutôt content de l'avoir fini. Smile

Anime : One Piece
Music : One Ok Rock - Take me to the top

Streaming :
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Posts : 442
Join date : 2013-03-31
Age : 27
Location : Yorozuya

[Kyoos] - Last Travel - Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Kyoos] - Last Travel -   [Kyoos] - Last Travel - EmptyTue Apr 28, 2015 6:27 pm

Yo! I can see your lvl has gone up Very Happy gg
It's pas mal but there are things to improve
You should listen to the song more carefully so you can handle the rhythm better.
Also there are  places like 0:53 to 1:00 you should really create a cool atmosphere there don't be afraid to add colors to the whole clip. And be careful with accelerating clips don't do it too much. I liked the ideas for your mask transitions but i think they could be improved i can make you a tuto later ^^ I think that's all. it's a nice improvement from you GG!
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