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 [Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS

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Join date : 2014-09-11

[Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS Empty
PostSubject: [Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS   [Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS EmptyThu Sep 11, 2014 9:04 am

[Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS Paper10
Titulos: PAPER  +Track MEP
Music : Zebrahead - Blackout  / Japanese Wallpaper - Between Friends feat. Jesse Davidson)
Anime: Kara no Kyoukai Mirai Fukuin, Kara no Kyoukai Mirai Fukuin Extra Chorus, Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu, Byousoku 5cm, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Zankyuo no Terror y Black Bullet

The scenes are random; It has no concept. I only focus on the 2 effects tests (Twixtor Pro masks and Color correction / level) there are a few scenes which is also a small Motion test graph are simple but hacientan very well with the scenes.
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Age : 27
Location : Jump City

[Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS   [Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS EmptyThu Sep 11, 2014 6:51 pm

Hey!! o/

well for the first video.. It was cool but i didn't like some of the transitions like the ones at 0:30 and 0:34, they seemed really unnatural :/ and i also didn't like the text at 0:30 but that's just my opinion, text is just not my cup of tea xD

The second video was really cool, i loved the atmosphere Very Happy

Nice job dude!!
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[Hikado95] Track W1ck3d MEP + BONUS
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