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 [MEP] Black Storm HS

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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptyThu Jun 05, 2014 5:24 am

[MEP] Black Storm HS 10422654_622408901181772_679559611_o_zpsd66632a0


Enjoy this mep From one of mi studios
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptyThu Jun 05, 2014 8:59 pm

FT track: not bad, it was pretty cool for a beginning. What i didn't like were the typos and the lip flaps  No .

SNK track: Editingwise it wasn't bad but the editor edited the track like it was the chorus :/ It was the first verse so it would have been better to edit it like a build up Smile

BRS track: this was pretty cool, i liked it GG no real problems here

Kill la Kill track: the beginning was really good with all of the transitions and stuff but the clip at 0:51-some seconds after was too long IMO, other than that GG

KnK track: The main problem here would be the logo in the upper right corner No you can blur it out or crop it out. The editing was ok i just didn't like the typo.

Karas track: This was really cool, probably my favourite GG.

Ippo track: IT was also cool, no big problems here, maybe that one eye transi, it seemed a little weird but it's not that big of a deal GG Razz

Saint Seiya track: the lip flaps and the splits were really annoying, the lip sync was cool tho

DMWL track: Cool track 

Bleach track: I'm not sure but it seems like it's stretched  silent IMO it was messy but still cool, it would have been better if the clips would have made sense , what i mean is that the editor could've linked the fights.

HxH track: OK, i love everything hxh related  bounce  The track was pretty cool i just didn't like the slide thing at the end :/ i know that the editor tried to sync but IMO that effect is really ugly  No 

Naruto track: watch out with the logo!! Ok, this track had it's up and downs. I can tell that the editor is creative but some of the transitions were really ugly, like the one at 2:31, it's too slow and seems really unnatural. I think it would have been better if you would've masked the clip not just a picture. Another thing was the link at 2:25 it just didn't make sense at all. first there is a dezoom of Sasuke's eye and the sharingan is rotating clockwise, then it starts rotating counter-clockwise  No , The first eye is the left eye but after the link the next eye is the right eye - that also doesn't make sense at all  scratch 

WDLKaiser track: Really cool track, loved the dynamics  

To Aru.. Index track: Cool track GG, some colours seemed a little weird like at 2:50 but it may have been the anime's original colours maybe? the rhythm fell a little at the end but still not bad

Magi track: good track with nice transitions. The shake at 3:10 was a bit rough, but still it was a nice track 

Overall the MEP was not bad at all guys GG It seems like you will improve fast Very Happy
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptyFri Jun 06, 2014 5:46 pm

I'm not going to go in such detail as the gentleman above me. I'm too lazy for that, sorry. :3
I really liked the Black Rock Shooter part.
Light said most of the things that caught my eye I guess. One thing that kinda bothered me was when the light blue text randomly popped up on 1:02. I really recommend not using any texts like this in AMVs, they're really ugly.
Otherwise it's a nice MEP, good job guys :3
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 4:53 pm

thank you very much friend, you really are a big critical, thanks for taking the time to criticize each part of the Mep all these criticisms help us so thanks Smile

Thank you very much friend Smile, thanks for the criticism and if all those details have to improve for our next project, I'm glad you liked the Mep; greetings Very Happy
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 7:52 pm

lol np
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS EmptyTue Jun 17, 2014 2:21 pm

SoulElfs wrote:
thank you very much friend, you really are a big critical, thanks for taking the time to criticize each part of the Mep all these criticisms help us so thanks Smile

Thank you very much friend Smile, thanks for the criticism and if all those details have to improve for our next project, I'm glad you liked the Mep; greetings Very Happy

You're welcome! c:
Keep posting your works here for more feedback and stuff Smile
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[MEP] Black Storm HS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MEP] Black Storm HS   [MEP] Black Storm HS Empty

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