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 [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv

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Join date : 2014-05-03
Age : 28

[OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv Empty
PostSubject: [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv   [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv EmptySun May 04, 2014 3:43 pm

Hey guys this is one of my old amvs, totally love wolfgirl2718 for ripping my amv other wise I could never find it. I edit this amv for 2 weeks ;w; anyway hope you like it Smile

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[OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv   [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv EmptyWed May 07, 2014 1:38 pm

Hi o/

Well personally I'm not a big fan of dubstep xDD

Here are some of my thoughts about your video:
You should get rid of the logo in the upper right corner (it's disturbing xD) , just blur it out or crop it out.
If you are doing eye transitions make sure you have a good clip to make one. For example the clip at 0:28 is not good for an eye transition, it just doesn't look natural at all. And another thing about eye transis is that you can't just make the eye appear randomly after you have made the transition, you have to make it smooth by making a new layer with the same clip and fading it in. The new clip can't be masked or it won't change anything.
An another thing is that your clips are sometimes too long and static, you should concentrate on your rhythm more.

Good luck for the future :PI'll be looking forward to your next clip.
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Age : 28
Location : Grand Exchange

[OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv   [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv EmptyWed May 07, 2014 8:58 pm

Ey man. Light said everything already :p
Make some new amvs though and post them here, I'd love to see your current skills compared to your old videos :p
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[OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv Empty
PostSubject: Re: [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv   [OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv Empty

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[OLD] Mirai Nikki Skrillex amv
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