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 [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014)

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[Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) Empty
PostSubject: [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014)   [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) EmptySat Feb 22, 2014 3:01 pm

[Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) 140205082024809643
Thx Luciole for it !

Yop lol! .

Cross (pro) : [ENG] Hello everyones, this is my turn to present my novice. Ok, I know "an other Bleach amv with rock", but let me introduce the story of this vid'.

First, Sagiki was no talent, no skill, a real novice. Rythm ? Zero, scenes selection ? Zero, Editing ? Zero too. I was really afraid at the beginning, he starts probably 4 or 5 projects on differents animes and always the sames errors. After that, I decided to let him to make an amv like a want, no rules or story. Step by Step, he tried many things, corrected and finally he can stand up here with this. For me, this is a great Level Up, he grow up. I think he has no chance to take a good place but this is not importante at all for me, 'cause to make him level up is more important, so this is a succes for him, me and probably the others.

Good Watching

[In French] Le level up, un gros travail, une prise de tête énorme aussi, je me souviens qu'au début c'était trés dur, j'ai vraiment galéré mais au final ca c'est plutôt bien passé!

Cross, un vrai pro, il m'a apprit beaucoup de choses, que ce soit à l'écrit ou en audio, il m'a vraiment bien aidé. Certain disent que c'est chaud de ce faire beta test par ce monsieur (je le pensais) mais en faite c'est vraiment cool! Merci Cross c'était super, si c'était à refaire, ça serait avec plaisir ! Une bonne expérience!

[In ENG (Translate  Crying or Very sad )] The level up, a big job, taking a huge head as I remember at the beginning it was very hard, I really struggled but ultimately ca is pretty well!

Cross, a real pro, he taught me a lot, whether written or audio, it really helped me. Some say it is hot to the beta test this gentleman  but made ​​it really cool! Cross thank you it was great, if I had to do, it would be a pleasure! A good experience!

Pro: Cross
Novice: Sagiki
Anime: Bleach, Deadman Wonderland, Death Note, Shingeki No Kyojin.
Music: From First To Last - I Once Was Lost But Now Am Profound
Format : x264.AAC
Résolution: 1280*720



Deep Soul

Héhé !

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[Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014)   [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) EmptySat Feb 22, 2014 4:13 pm

Sagiki wrote:

Cross (pro) :
First, Sagiki was no talent, no skill, a real novice. Rythm ? Zero, scenes selection ? Zero, Editing ? Zero too.
Good Watching


Anyways really nice improvement Sagiki  This was really clean so i liked it alot actually xD (i like all random action amvs mdrr) It was cool that you used some of the clips that others hadn't used yet.

GG mec et bonne chance!

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Join date : 2013-03-31
Age : 27
Location : Yorozuya

[Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014)   [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) EmptySat Feb 22, 2014 9:18 pm

As i told you on NT forum i really find that you have improved.
I liked this video Very Happy GG et bonne Chance !!!!! o/
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[Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014)   [Sagiki] Deep Soul (Level Up 2014) Empty

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